The Board of Pharmacy rules package was approved by the legislature via SB 182.  This action authorizes the Board to promulgate legislative rules as outlined below.  All are effective June 11, 2021.

  • 15 CSR 01 – relating to licensure and practice of pharmacist care; adds a new definition of “electronic supervision” and adds “electronic” supervision of a pharmacy technician by a pharmacist to the definition of “pharmacy technician”.  For more background information click here.
  • 15 CSR 02 – relating to the Uniform Controlled Substances Act; adds Schedule V prescriptions to 8.15 Refilling Schedule III, IV, or V prescriptions. For more background information click here.
  • 15 CSR 03 – relating to continuing education requirements for pharmacists to maintain their license to practice pharmacy in the state. For more background information click here.
  • 15 CSR 05 – relating to wholesale distributors, third-party logistics, and manufacturers of prescription drugs. For more background information click here.
  • 15 CSR 08 – relating to the controlled substances monitoring program; adds Schedule V prescriptions and removes gabapentin from list of drugs of concern. For more background information click here.
  • 15 CSR 12 – relating to immunizations administered by pharmacists and pharmacy interns; makes permanent the current emergency rule. For more background information click here.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Sandra Guckian at 703-774-4801.