The Emergency Regulation allowing pharmacists to initiate treatment for Naloxone, Epinephrine, Hormonal Contraceptives, Prenatal vitamins, and certain OTC meds under protocols are currently in effect as of January 3. The protocols and other documentation forms needed can be found here. As you will recall, these regs are the result of the passage of HB 1506 last session, a legislative priority for members that NACDS was instrumental in passing.
Also in Virginia. The Pharmacy Technician Registration Emergency Regulation became effective January 3. The Board of Pharmacy expects to have an online registration portal operational next week and will email licensees when it is available for technician trainee registration. However, certification is not required to register as a technician until July 1, 2022.
For more information, contact NACDS’ Jill McCormack at 717-592-8977.