
The Medicaid Agency is pursuing a new initiative to transform the Medicaid delivery system through a flexible and more cost-efficient effort which builds off the Agency’s current case management program structure. A meeting to discuss this initiative will be held on Wednesday, June 13. The meeting is for providers, recipients, advocates and others with an interest in Medicaid.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Leigh Knotts at 803-243-7207.

2018-06-05T12:26:14-04:00May 31, 2018|Alabama|


Medicaid is proposing to make a small change in the 271 Eligibility response, but would like to gauge impact to vendors before making the change. If you utilize the 271 Eligibility response, either real-time or batch, please have your software vendor or clearinghouse fill out the following brief survey so that Medicaid staff can determine the potential impact of the proposed change. The survey needs to be completed by Wednesday, May 9.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Leigh Knotts at 803-243-7207.

2018-04-27T16:32:01-04:00April 27, 2018|Alabama|
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