The South Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (SCDHHS) has announced that it will cover the cost of COVID19 vaccine administration for Healthy Connections Medicaid members, including those enrolled in the family planning and COVID-19 testing limited benefit programs. Those without healthcare coverage can apply for the COVID-19 limited benefit program via the link below. Billing guidance for providers is also available here.

Also in South Carolina. The Board of Pharmacy issued a notice announcing revisions to the protocol for the administration of vaccines by pharmacists. The protocol addresses authorization, qualifications, limitations, consent, and recordkeeping and reporting. The document is dated December 10, 2020.

Lastly in South Carolina. Prisma Health is offering the COVID-19 Vaccine to all pharmacists in the state as pharmacists are considered to be in Phase 1A per South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (SC DEHC) vaccine guidelines. If a pharmacist is not able to access the vaccine through his or her employer, he or she can reach out to to receive an invitation to register for an appointment to receive the vaccine at any of their locations. Additionally, SC DHEC has announced an update to the recipients included in Phase 1A which now includes all pharmacists and pharmacy technicians. They previously differentiated between those pharmacists and technicians who administered the COVID-19 vaccine or tests versus those who conducted normal duties.  Now, all are eligible to receive the vaccine in Phase 1A.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Leigh Knotts at 803-243-7207.