
SB 617, legislation introduced by Sen. Steve Glazer (D), Chair of the Senate Business, Professions and Economic Development Committee, would allow pharmacies with collective bargaining agreements and meeting certain requirements to petition the Board of Pharmacy to increase the pharmacy technician to pharmacist ratio from 1:1 to 3:1. The bill was amended and passed the Committee on April 22 and has been referred to the Senate Appropriations Committee.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.

2019-05-03T08:29:19-04:00May 2, 2019|California|


On April 24, the Arkansas General Assembly adjourned its 88-day session. Unless otherwise specified, all new laws will go into effect 90 days post adjournment on Tuesday,

For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.

2019-05-03T08:27:42-04:00May 2, 2019|Arkansas|


 SB 176, legislation that would require all controlled substance prescriptions to be e-prescribed, has been signed by Gov. Eric Holcomb (R) after passing both chambers unanimously. The law will be effective Friday, January 1, 2021, and contains exceptions similar to those in NACDS’ model language. NACDS appreciates the leadership of Sen. Ron Grooms (R) and Rep. Steve Davisson (R), as well as the on-the-ground efforts of the Indiana Retail Council in passing this bill.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Jill McCormack at 717-592-8977.

2019-05-03T08:07:01-04:00April 25, 2019|Indiana|


Pennsylvania’s Pharmaceutical Contract for the Elderly (PACE) Program announced that it began paying pharmacies for medication synchronization services for patients on April 15. The program will be under the PACE side of the benefit, rather than Part D-based. The program is a result of an agreed to amendment proposed jointly by NACDS and the Pennsylvania Association of Chain Drug Stores in legislation that passed in the last legislative session.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Jill McCormack at 717-592-8977.

2019-04-24T08:54:54-04:00April 18, 2019|Pennsylvania|


Legislation considered a prelude to efforts to further expanding pharmacists’ immunization authority is on its way to Gov. Larry Hogan (R). HB 316, sponsored by Del. Ariana Kelly (D), will require all health care providers who administer a vaccine to report it to the Maryland immunization registry, ImmuNet. Once signed, HB 316 will be effective Tuesday, October 1. The legislation was an initiative of the Maryland Association of Chain Drug Stores. NACDS thanks the Maryland Retail Association for its on-the-ground work in advancing this bill.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Jill McCormack at 717-592-8977.

2019-04-24T08:52:30-04:00April 18, 2019|Maryland|


Gov. Steve Bullock (D) signed into law HB 86 (Chapter Number 89) which requires a positive ID for controlled substances not dispensed directly to the patient with exceptions and recordkeeping requirements; a 7-day prescription limit on opioids to an opioid naïve patient; and mandatory use of the prescription drug registry by a prescriber or an agent of the prescriber prior to issuing a prescription for an opioid or a benzodiazepine with exceptions.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Joel Kurzman at 847-905-0555.

2019-04-24T08:49:58-04:00April 11, 2019|Montana|

West Virginia

Several bills advancing pharmacy practice were signed by Gov. Jim Justice (R).  HB 2525 allows pharmacists to initiate tobacco cessation therapy and dispense tobacco cessation products under a statewide standing order. The law requires the Commissioner of the Bureau of Public Health to issue the necessary standing orders for therapy, non-controlled prescription and over-the-counter drugs. HB 2583 permits a pharmacist to dispense a self-administered hormonal contraceptive under a standing order to patients 18 years of age or older, after completion of a Board of Pharmacy approval of training programs. HB 2524 allows pharmacists, under certain circumstances, to convert maintenance medications to a 90-day quantity and allows for emergency refills under certain conditions. The bills will be effective on Thursday, June 6.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Jill McCormack at 717-592-8977.

2019-04-05T11:26:00-04:00April 4, 2019|West Virginia|


 Gov. Gary Herbert (R) has signed into law House Concurrent Resolution 1urging the Drug Enforcement Administration to approve a pilot program for drug takeback drop boxes in pharmacies that are controlled by local law enforcement agencies.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Sandra Guckian at 703-774-4801.

2019-04-05T11:15:40-04:00April 4, 2019|Utah|


The Health and Humans Services Department of State Health Services’ Immunization Unit created this flyer to help pharmacies educate patients about opting into ImmTrac2, the state’s immunization registry.

Also in Texas… HB 2174/SB 1233, legislation filed by Rep. John Zerwas (R) and Sen. Lois Kolkhorst (R) that the Attorney General and pharmacies support mandating e-prescribing for all controlled substances by Friday, January 1, 2021 and also includes provisions to limit the day supply for acute pain medications to seven days, has been heard in both the House Public Health and Senate Health and Human Services Committee.

Also in Texas… SB 420/HB 577, legislation filed by Sen. Dawn Buckingham (R) and Rep. Senfronia Thompson (D) clarifying the new requirements to check the prescription monitoring program for certain refill prescriptions has passed the Senate and is pending further action in the House Public Health Committee.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.

2019-04-05T11:12:51-04:00April 4, 2019|Texas|
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