The Board of Pharmacy posted the November 2023 Newsletter including the following headlines: 

  • No. 723 New Rules for Pharmacists, Interns/Preceptors, Certified Oregon Pharmacy Technicians/Pharmacy Technicians, Board Administration, and Universal Rules – Effective March 1, 2024 
  • No. 724 Coming Soon! Updated and New Rules Related to Short-Acting Opioid Antagonists and Immunizations
  • No. 725 Rulemaking 
  • No. 726 Compliance: Updated Inspection Processes, Requests for Additional On-Site Inspections, and a Reminder About Prescriptions from Veterinarians 
  • No. 727 Licensing: How to Update Outlet Contact Information and Pharmacist Work Email in e-Gov 
  • No. 728 Minutes for Board-Related Meetings 

Also in Oregon, the Oregon Health Authority announced the Immunization Policy Advisory Team (IPAT) will meet on December 7 and posted an agenda for this meeting. 

Finally in Oregon, the Department of Consumer and Business Services will be hosting a public hearing on prescription drug prices on December 7 from 1:30 pm to 4:00 pm via Zoom.   

For more information, contact NACDS’ Sandra Guckian at 703-774-4801.