The Board of Pharmacy will conduct a Full Board Meeting via conference call on December 9 at 9:30 a.m. See the board meetings page for details. Note: the following on the agenda. 

  • 2023 Legislative Session 
    • Governor’s Red Tape Relief Initiative 
    • DLI Legislative Drafts Important to Pharmacy 
      • LC0394 Standardize licensing board organization 
      • LC0395 Consolidating and clarifying penalties for unlicensed practice 
      • LC0396 Revise laws related to professional and occupational licensure 
  • 2023 Future Rulemaking Efforts 
    • Governor’s Red Tape Relief Initiative 
    • Implementation of 2023 Legislation 
  • Rules, effective as of September 24, 2022: 
    • 24.174.401 – Fee Schedule 
    • 24.174.1201 – Wholesale Distributor and Third-Party Logistics Provider Licensing 
    • 24.174.1202 – Manufacturer and Repackager Licensing
    • 24.174.1203 – Personnel 
    • 24.174.1207 – Change in Location 
    • 24.174.1208 – Change in Ownership 
    • 24.174.1211 – Minimum Facility Requirements 
    • 24.174.1212 – Minimum Requirements for Establishment and Maintenance of Drug Distribution Records
    • 24.174.1213 – National Clearinghouse for Wholesale Drug Distributor Licensing 
    • 24.174.1702 – Information Required for Submission 
    • 24.174.1703 – Electronic Format Required for the Transmission of Information 
    • 24.174.1704 – Requirements for Submitting Prescription Registry Information to the Board 

Also in Montana, the Cheyenne Department of Veterans Affairs reported that two (2) prescription pads have either been lost or stolen. The prescription pads are serialized and numbered: 

  • 9282501 – 9282600 
  • 9282601 – 9282700 

If you receive or have received hardcopy prescriptions within these serialized numbers, please contact the Board of Pharmacy office.  

For more information, contact NACDS’ Sandra Guckian at 703-774-4801.