On January 4, the Maine Board of Pharmacy held its regular meeting. The agenda included the following: 

  • Access to HIV Prevention Medications (PL 2021 Ch 265), including PEP and PrEP Protocols 
  • Access to Birth Control by Making Certain Contraception Accessible from a Pharmacist (PL 2023 Ch 115)  
  • Authorize Vaccine Administration by Pharmacy Technicians and Reduce Vaccine Administration Training Requirements for Pharmacists (PL 2023 Ch 245)  
  • Board Rule Chapter Amend Limits on Medication in Vending Machines (PL 2023 Ch 160)  
  • Pharmacists Dispense an Emergency Supply of Chronic Maintenance Drugs (PL 2023 Ch 566) – Update  
  • Telehealth Rulemaking Status – Update  

Also in Maine, on January 11, Gov. Janet Mills (D) issued a State of Emergency declaration. The State of the Civil Emergency will last one week, and the Governor will continue to evaluate its necessity daily. This declaration triggers the hazard pay provision for the City of Portland for those with operations within the city. 

For more information, please contact NACDS’ Ben Pearlman at 617-515-2603.