HB 579, the post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP)/pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) bill supported by pharmacies, passed unanimously out of the House. It was amended in the Senate Health and Welfare Committee last week. Next step is to be voted on by the full Senate, and then returned to the House for concurrence. 

Also in Louisiana, the Department of Health (LDH) issued a Bulletin acknowledging that they are working to resolve several issues associated with the implementation of the Single Managed Care Organization (MCO) pharmacy benefit manager (PBM), Magellan (MMA). Pharmacists are encouraged to email Medicaid pharmacy staff directly for assistance. 

Also in Louisiana, the Department of Health (LDH) issued a revised Medicaid Bulletin on April 15, clarifying 340B reimbursement.  

Also in Louisiana, the Board of Pharmacy’s quarterly meeting was held at the Board’s office on May 7 and 8.  

Also in Louisiana, the Department of Health (LDH) posted a plethora of resources for healthcare providers addressing substance use disorder as a treatable medical condition through stigma-free care and ensuring access to treatment options.  

Finally in Louisiana, the Board of Pharmacy posted the agenda for a Public Hearing on May 28 for four regulatory projects – Product Integrity, CDS (Clinical Decision Support) Licensing, Open Meetings via Electronic Means and Prescription Monitoring Program Advisory Council Open Meetings via Electronic Means. 

For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.