After seeing several Emergency Orders allowing early refills, 90-day supply for maintenance medications, extending prior authorizations and waving copays, NACDS reached out to the Department of Health’s Medicaid and Pharmacy staff requesting that they consider additional COVID19 waivers. NACDS shared model language to access essential services at pharmacies, including encouraging the Department of Health to adopt a statewide protocol to allow pharmacists to test and treat for COVID-19 once the anti-viral comes to market. We also discussed 1135 waivers and their pending SPA which will allow pharmacists to be reimbursed for adult immunizations. 

Also in Louisiana... The Board of Pharmacy adopted an Emergency Rule placing limitations on the dispensing of Chloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19. Link to all emergency rules adopted – and the guidance document can be found here – 

Also in Louisiana... Prior to the postponement on the March 18th Board of Pharmacy’s Regulation Revision Committee meeting, NACDS submitted a comment letter on the telepharmacy rules, urging the Board to remove the arbitrary restrictions on location of dispensing sites, prescription volume, and staffing requirements. 

Also in Louisiana... The April 7, 2020 Pharmacy Legislative Day at the Capitol has been cancelled. 

For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.