The Board of Pharmacy’s Regulation Review Committee met virtually on January 26 to discuss pharmacists’ expanding scope of practice. Last Fall during the special session, the Legislature approved Senate Resolution 39 by Sen. Regina Barrow (D) directing the Board of Pharmacy to make recommendations relative to pharmacists’ testing, screening, and treatment of certain health conditions. The committee approved recommending modernizing the collaborative practice agreements and limited prescriptive authority using Oregon as the model for consideration by the full Board at their February 24, 2021 meeting. Draft language can be found at the links below.

Also in Louisiana. The Department of Health (LDH) is reaching out to community pharmacies to encourage future partnership opportunities with pharmacies to better manage chronic disease and prevention. Click here for the PowerPoint Presentation. Contact LDH’s Marie Darr at for more information.

Also in Louisiana. Although the Prescription Monitoring Program Advisory Council’s January in-person quarterly meeting was canceled due to COVID, the Board of Pharmacy staff did provide NACDS and the other council members with the report Please click here for more information.

Lastly in Louisiana. LDH continues to add more information to its COVID-19 dashboard.  More information and updates can be found here.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.