The Board of Pharmacy published a Notice of Intended Action to amend the following. The deadline for comments is January 4, 202,2 at 4:30 p.m. Central. 

  • Chapter 10, “Controlled Substances” (ARC 6082C 
  • Chapter 13, “Telepharmacy Practice” (ARC 6083C 

Also, the Board adopted and filed Chapter 3 “Pharmacy Technicians” (ARC 6071C) which is currently in effect as an emergency rule.   

Lastly, the Board published the following adopted and filed rules effective January 19, 2022: 

  • Chapter 3, “Pharmacy Technicians” (ARC 6071C 
  • Chapter 8, “Universal Practice Standards” (ARC 6073C 
  • Chapter 10, “Controlled Substances” (ARC 6074C 
  • Chapter 3, “Pharmacy Technicians,” Chapter 8, “Universal Practice Standards,” Chapter 20, “Compounding Practices,” and Chapter 39, “Expanded Practice Standards” (ARC 6076C 
  • Chapter 21, “Electronic Data and Automated Systems in Pharmacy Practice” (ARC 6077C 

For more information, contact NACDS’ Sandra Guckian at 703-774-4801.