The Department of Human Services published the findings from a recent Cost of Dispensing Study. The report reflects the mean cost of dispensing, weighted by Medicaid volume, was $10.38 per prescription for all pharmacies including specialty pharmacies, up from $10.07. The current dispensing fee of $10.07 will remain in place until additional state funding is appropriated by the legislature. A state plan amendment would also be required if funding is approved and the increase would be prospective following CMS approval of the state plan amendment. The report can be found on the COD website.

Also in Iowa. The Board of Pharmacy published a response to HHS Guidance Related to the Administration of Immunizations and COVID-19 Tests. More information can be found here.

Also in Iowa. The Department of Public Health issued a COVID-19 Vaccine Information Brief and is regularly adding materials to its main web COVID-19 Vaccine Information web page. Please visit the above links for more information.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Joel Kurzman at 847-905-0555.