The Illinois Department of Labor (“IDOL”) recently issued the new 2023 “Your Rights Under Illinois Employment Laws” poster that ALL ILLINOIS EMPLOYERS are required to post in a conspicuous place in the workplace, where notices are customarily posted. See the links here. The poster includes information related to the Wage Payment and Collection Act, Child Labor Law, Minimum Wage Law, Equal Pay Act, Victims’ Economic Security and Safety Act and the One Day Rest in Seven Act (“ODRISA”).
Importantly, the ODRISA amendments that went into effect on January 1, 2023, require not only posting in the workplace, but also, for employees who do not regularly report to a physical workplace, and instead work remotely or travel for work, the poster must be provided to them via email or uploaded onto the employer’s website. The ODRISA amendments also now include civil penalties for failure to comply with the ODRISA, including the posting requirements. Employers who fail to comply with the posting requirements will be subject to a civil penalty not to exceed $250, payable to the IDOL.
For more information, contact NACDS’ Leigh Knotts at 803-243-7207.