Effective Tuesday, October 1, IngenioRx, Inc. (IngenioRx) will begin to administer the prescription benefits for Simply Healthcare of Florida Inc. (Simply) Comprehensive Plan and Clear Health Alliance Specialty Plans. Members may be transitioned to a network pharmacy with IngenioRx that continues to meet member access requirements.

Providers that are out of network as of Tuesday, October 1 will be eligible for a 60-day continuity of care period where claims will be payable to allow time for members to transition to a new pharmacy, if necessary. All members were notified of this transition by mail on August 2. The continuity of care period ends on Saturday, November 30.

The pharmacy claim processing information to IngenioRx for Simply Comprehensive Plan and Clear Health Alliance Specialty Plan is noted below:

RXBIN:   020107
Member ID Format: 11-14 digits

For questions regarding future network or contract related inquiries, call IngenioRx at 1-833-235-2030.

Prior to Tuesday, October 1, providers may contact Simply Provider Services for eligibility or prior authorization questions at 1-877-577-9044.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Leigh Knotts at 803-243-7207.