The Board of Pharmacy announced a notice of intention to amend regulations under FAC 64B16-31 to clarify the meaning of a chronic health condition. Comment due date is not specified.

Also in Florida. The Department of Business and Professional Regulation, Division of Drugs, Devices, and Cosmetics, announced the following notices:

  • Notice to amend regulations under 61N-2 to adopt regulations concerning the application for registration as an international exporter of prescription drugs. Comment due date is not specified.
  • Notice to amend regulations under 61N-1 to adopt regulations concerning the international importation of prescription drugs. Comment due date is not specified.
  • Notice to amend regulations under 61N-2 to adopt regulations concerning the application for registration as an international importer of prescription drugs. Comment due date is not specified.
  • Notice to amend regulations under 61N-2 to adopt regulations concerning the application for registration as an international prescription drug wholesale distributor. Comment due date is not specified.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Leigh Knotts at 803-243-7207.