North Carolina
The Board of Pharmacy has completed its rulemaking on the authorization for, and regulation of, the use of direct-to-patient (DTP) dispensing systems. Board Rule .1821 provides that authorization and the standards that apply to the use of DTP systems. Board Rule .1616 authorizes limited service permits to be issued for operation of a DTP system when the system is not located on-site at the home pharmacy.
The board staff has completed programming to implement a limited-service permit application for an off-site DTP system and to allow an existing pharmacy to notify the Board that it will deploy an on-site DTP system.
Detailed guidance on the rules and standards governing DTP systems, as well as step-by-step instructions to add an on-site DTP system to an existing pharmacy’s services or to apply for an off-site DTP system limited-service permit are found here.
The general limited-service permit guidance document has also been updated to include information on DTP system permits.
Also in North Carolina, effective November 1, Medicaid waived the copay for antiretrovirals used to decrease viral load in members living with HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus).
For more information, contact NACDS’ Leigh Knotts at 803-243-7207.