At the Regulation Revision Committee (RRC) meeting on January 5th, members revised and approved several proposed legislative bill drafts of interest to chain pharmacies, including (1) amending the prescription monitoring program law to provide limited access to audit trail information to designated representatives of Louisiana Medicaid; (2) require Pharmacy Benefit Managers to obtain a permit from the Board of Pharmacy; (3) revising the definition of collaborative practice and authorizing pharmacists to provide certain patient care services in accordance with statewide protocols developed by the Board’s Public Health and Pharmacy Protocol Advisory Committee and approved by the Board of Pharmacy; and (4) changing the definition of collaborative practice and adding a definition of a collaborative practice agreement authorizing pharmacists to engage in collaborative practice in accordance with rules promulgated by the Board of Pharmacy. The RRC also approved a draft CLIA (Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments) Waived Testing Policy statement confirming pharmacist’s authority to perform these tests under federal law. The full Board of Pharmacy will be considering all these issues at their February 16th meeting.
Also in Louisiana, the Department of Health (LDH) issued a new Naloxone standing order. They also issued Louisiana Medicaid Pharmacy Point of Sale (POS) Diagnosis Code Requirement and Bypass Diagnosis Codes – Effective January 1, 2022; Louisiana Medicaid Pharmacy Point of Sale Clinical Authorization and Criteria Updates – Effective January 1, 2022; and Louisiana Medicaid Pharmacy Point of Sale Quantity Limits – Effective January 1, 2022
Finally in Louisiana, in advance of the December 28, 2021, Board of Pharmacy’s Public Hearing, NACDS submitted comments in support of proposed rules that make permanent certain authorities for pharmacy technicians and interns authorized under the PREP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) Act. Specifically, the proposed rules would codify authority for pharmacy technicians and interns to administer vaccines, in addition to making other changes to the existing rules that simplify existing administrative requirements for vaccines provided by pharmacy providers. We anticipate that the final rule will be published on March 20, 2022, Louisiana Register, and become effective immediately.
For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.