NACDS attended the Dallas County Medical Society’s 139th Annual Dinner and Awards ceremony at the Frontiers of Flights Museum on April 6th honoring chain pharmacies and pharmacists from Kroger Health and Albertsons/ Randall’s/Tom Thumb for their efforts at the beginning of the pandemic providing 20,000 COVID-19 vaccines administered to physicians who are not affiliated with a major health or hospital systems and their frontline office staff. Accepting the awards for chain pharmacies were Jeff Loesch, PharmD with The Kroger Company, and Jennifer Golden, PharmD with Albertsons Companies. This successful collaborative effort eventually led to multiple other opportunities throughout the pandemic for more chain pharmacies to work directly in Collin, Dallas, Denton Grayson, and Tarrant County Health Departments to administer COVID vaccines and tests.
People in the photos:
Dr. Philip Huang, Director, Health Authority, Dallas County Health, and Human Services Department
Jon Roth, CEO, Dallas County Medical Society
Jeff Loesch, PharmD, CHC
Jill Lester, PharmD, BCPS, BCACP
Jennifer Golden, RPh.
Emad Besslay, MPharm
For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.