The Department of Human Services, Division of Medical Services, published a final rule which amended medical assistance regulations to revise the Medicaid State Plan (SPA 2020-0005) to increase rates for vaccine administration that went into effect July 1. The rule increases rates for flu vaccine administration in the physicians, nurse practitioner, ARKids B, and pharmacy programs to $15.45 and increases rates for other Medicaid payable vaccines to $13.14.
Also in Arkansas. The Department of Human Services also published a final rule that amends medical assistance regulations to revise the Medicaid state plan (SPA 2019-002) to incorporate federal standards on drug utilization review. The rule addresses claims review limitations, programs to monitor antipsychotic medications by children, fraud and abuse identification, and Medicaid managed care organization mandates. The rule also establishes mandatory drug utilization review reporting requirements.
For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.