The Alabama Medicaid Agency has removed the requirement of absence of alcohol and illicit drug use by recipients for the prior approval of antiviral drugs used in the treatment of hepatitis C. A copy of the patient’s drug and alcohol screening lab report is no longer required. All other criteria remain, including the patient consent form with the patient’s and physician’s signature, which must be submitted with requests.  

The updated Prior Authorization (PA) request form and criteria booklet should be utilized by the prescriber or the dispensing pharmacy when requesting a PA. Updated forms and criteria can be found here. 

Also in Alabama, the Alabama Department of Public Health (ADPH) Pharmacy Division is asking that you complete the following ReadyOp survey if you are unable to obtain oseltamivir (Tamiflu) for your patients due to drug shortages or supply issues. The information provided through this survey will enable ADPH to assess potential oseltamivir shortages quickly and respond appropriately. 

The link will remain open until June 1, 2023. Questions should be directed to 

For more information, contact NACDS’ Leigh Knotts at 803-243-7207.