The Board of Pharmacy issues a proposed rule to adopt regulations under AAC 680-X-2 to establish standards under which a pharmacist, pharmacist intern, or pharmacist extern would administer immunizations. A hearing is scheduled for March 17, 2021, in Birmingham. Comments are due March 6, 2021.

Also in Alabama. The Board of pharmacy published an emergency rule to adopt regulations under AAC 680-X-2 to establish temporary provisions to authorize vaccination by registered pharmacy technicians under the direct supervision of a licensed pharmacist. The rule is effective January 20, 2021 and expires upon removal of the governor’s state of emergency or May 20, 2021, whichever is sooner.

Lastly in Alabama. The Board of Pharmacy issues a final rule to amend regulations under AAC 680-X-2 to revise pharmacist consultant continuing education requirements to reflect the renewal cycle. The rule is effective March 17, 2021.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Leigh Knotts at 803-243-7207.