NACDS submitted written comments to the Alaska Board of Pharmacy supporting their quick acting temporary rules expanding pharmacy and technician practice, that will become permanent.
Also in Alaska… The Department of Health & Social Services submitted to CMS an 1135 waiver which was approved May 7th. Temporary policies include: no cost-sharing for testing services; allowing service provision and reimbursement of services provided by qualified and enrolled Alaska licensed pharmacists practicing within their authorized scope of practice, statewide standing orders authorized by the AK Chief Medical Officer and HHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health; claims for medications with day’s supply up to 68 days shall be permitted unless medication is on the 90-day list, then 90-days will be permitted; allow for a professional dispensing fee to be reimbursed no more than every 14-days per individual at $15.86 for “on road” pharmacies, and $23.78 for “off-road” pharmacies. Shipping will be reimbursed regardless of the location of the pharmacy or beneficiary; and covered outpatient drugs dispensed by a retail-based pharmacy, when a medication’s acquisition cost exceed the standard “lesser of” payment methodology logic, providers may petition for reimbursement at WAC + 1% on a claim-level basis through the point-of-sale and bypass the FUL and NADAC.
For more information, contact NACDS’ Sandra Guckian at 703-774-4801.