The legislature reconvened their session on Monday, May 4, and by constitution, must adjourn by June 1. While the budget is their main focus, several committees did post hearings for this week, including a payment parity bill, HB 459, filed by Rep. Joseph Stagni. The payment parity bill garnered broad support from the Louisiana Pharmacy Congress that represents eight pharmacy organizations — Alliance for Pharmacy Compounding, Louisiana Independent Pharmacies Association, Louisiana Pharmacists Association, Louisiana Society of Health-System Pharmacists, Louisiana State Board of Pharmacy, National Association of Chain Drug Stores, University of Louisiana at Monroe – School of Pharmacy, Xavier University of Louisiana – College of Pharmacy – was scheduled for a hearing in the House Insurance Committee on May 6. Both NACDS launched a RxIMPACT alert to mobilize support for the bill, and so did the Louisiana Pharmacists Association. NACDS and the Louisiana Retailers Association submitted a joint support letter to the committee. Mounting opposition to the bill were the family physicians and insurers led by Blue Cross/Blue Shield. Unfortunately, late Tuesday, the bill was removed from the committee calendar because it was deemed too controversial.
Also in Louisiana... At their April Board of Pharmacy reduced the number of live CE requirements for 2020. They determined it appropriate to modify the CE requirements for pharmacist license renewal for Calendar Year 2021 such that a total of 15 hours of ACPE-accredited pharmacist-specific CE will qualify for license renewal without regard to whether the CE is acquired through live presentations or home study methods.
Also in Louisiana... The Board of Pharmacy is holding a May 29, 2020 hearing on a proposed rule to add nine drugs of concern, including seven drugs for the treatment of hepatitis, promethazine oral liquid formation, and gabapentin. The rule also would add recordkeeping requirements for prescription transactions. NACDS will be submitting a comment letter.
For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.