The Board of Pharmacy submitted its initial reports to the Joint Oversight Committee on Health and Welfare on four regulatory projects – Prescription Monitoring Program Project 2020-1Automated Medication Systems Project 2020-2Pharmacist Licensing Display Project 2020-3and Marijuana Pharmacy Project 2020-5For more information on the status of all of the Board’s regulatory projects, go to 

Also in Louisiana... The Board of Pharmacy announced changes to a proposed rule that would amend regulations under LAC 46:LIII, Chapters 15, 25, and 27, to allow pharmacies to accept returns of previously dispensed drugs for disposal. The rule also would specify requirements for disposal of controlled substances and hazardous drugs. The changes remove the requirement for pharmacies to accept returns of controlled substances for disposal and instead would allow pharmacies to accept such drugs for disposal and require pharmacies to advise patients or their designees of drug disposal options. A second public hearing is scheduled for April 27, 2020. 

Also in Louisiana... Effective March 20th, the Department of Health began reimbursing for vaccines administered to adults by qualified pharmacists, an administration fee of $15.22 which includes counseling when performed.  Vaccine reimbursement for recipients aged 19 and over shall be reimbursed at wholesale acquisition cost (WAC) or billed charges, whichever is the lesser amount.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.