As a result of House Joint Resolution 662, the Joint Commission on Health Care (JCHC) met last week and reviewed a report of policy options for pharmacists scope of practice as it relates to Collaborative Practice Agreements (CPAs), Standing Orders and Statewide Protocols. Unfortunately, the Commission did not adopt the policy recommendations that NACDS advocated for in our two rounds of comment letters submitted to the JCHC. Instead, the Commission adopted the following options to recommend for legislation in the 2020 Regular Session – add independent practice nurse practitioners and physician assistants to the list of practitioners that could be a party to a CPA; and request to the Boards of Pharmacy and Medicine to convene a workgroup to determine if statewide standing orders could be expanded to include other conditions, including CLIA-waived tests.
For more information, contact NACDS’ Jill McCormack at 717-592-8977.