The Health Care Authority’s (OHCA) budget approved by the Legislature earlier this year included 5% across-the-board rate increases for Medicaid providers. The OHCA submitted a SPA to CMS that details the pharmacy professional dispensing fee rate increase from the $10.87 to $11.41 effective Tuesday, October 1. NACDS submitted comments in support of the pharmacy rate increase on-line and encourages members to submit comments electronically.
Also in Oklahoma… Effective Sunday, September 1, the Office of the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs Control will require pharmacies to report any opioid as being used for the treatment of acute or chronic pain as enacted by SB 848. Along with this requirement, the PMP is also requiring pharmacies to report for any non-opioid controlled substance prescription. NACDS submitted a letter sharing concerns that given the inadequate notice to providers of the upcoming implementation and system inabilities, participating pharmacies will not have enough time to make the necessary changes to fully comply with these reporting requirements.
For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.