The Health and Humans Services Department of State Health Services’ Immunization Unit created this flyer to help pharmacies educate patients about opting into ImmTrac2, the state’s immunization registry.

Also in Texas… HB 2174/SB 1233, legislation filed by Rep. John Zerwas (R) and Sen. Lois Kolkhorst (R) that the Attorney General and pharmacies support mandating e-prescribing for all controlled substances by Friday, January 1, 2021 and also includes provisions to limit the day supply for acute pain medications to seven days, has been heard in both the House Public Health and Senate Health and Human Services Committee.

Also in Texas… SB 420/HB 577, legislation filed by Sen. Dawn Buckingham (R) and Rep. Senfronia Thompson (D) clarifying the new requirements to check the prescription monitoring program for certain refill prescriptions has passed the Senate and is pending further action in the House Public Health Committee.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.