On December 9, the Assembly Committee on Financial Institutions and Insurance held a second hearing on A4953, Patient and Provider Protection Act, legislation that includes PBM reforms. NACDS submitted a letter to the Committee Chair Roy Freiman (D) who also sponsored the bill. The bill was amended and recommitted within the committee.
Also in New Jersey, on December 9, the Senate Committee on Health, Human Services, and Senior Citizens held a hearing on A1899 and S1981, companion bills that would expand vaccine and pharmacy technician authority. The bills were approved by the committee and expect action on the Senate floor on December 19. NACDS will continue to advocate for expedited passage of this bill.
Finally in New Jersey, on December 11, the Board of Pharmacy held its regular scheduled meeting. The next meeting is scheduled for January 22, 2025.
For more information, please contact NACDS’ Ben Pearlman at 617-515-2603.