On August 19, the Board of Pharmacy is holding a Stakeholder Meeting to receive feedback on proposed changes to the following draft rules:

  1. Rule 14.00.00 – OTHER OUTLETS – The purpose of the proposed amendments to

Board Rule 14 is to allow off-site dispensing by hospital staff.

  1. Rule 15.00.00 – WHOLESALERS – The purpose of the proposed amendments to

Board Rule 15 is to update recordkeeping requirements of wholesalers

specifically related to animal drugs.

  1. Rule 17.00.00 – COLLABORATIVE PHARMACY PRACTICE – The purpose of the

proposed amendments to Board Rule 17 is to update Collaborative Pharmacy

Practice Rules as they relate physician assistants to align them with

superseding regulatory changes around physician assistants.

  1. Rule 21-00-00 – COMPOUNDING – The purpose of the proposed amendments to

Board Rule 21 is to update controlled substance distribution laws to better

clarify the law and align with federal requirements.

  1. Rule 17, Appendix A – The purpose of the proposed amendments to Board Rule

17, Appendix A is to update clinical standards and to fix minor clerical errors.

  1. Rule 3.00.00 – DISPENSING – The purpose of the proposed amendments to Board

Rule 3 is to add a short rule clarifying and referring to the new legislative

requirement of prescription label accessibility from HB24-1115.


purpose of this Rule Revision is to change the requirement to report pharmacy

data submission delinquency to the Board and give flexibility may changing

“will” to “may” which statute allows.

  1. Rule 11.00.00 – RECORDS – The purpose of this Rule revision is to update

outdated terminology that no longer exists related to board approval of

electronic record storage.

  1. Rules 2.00.00 – ORDERS, 3.00.00 -DISPENSING, and 31.00.00 – TELEPHARMACY –

The purpose of the proposed amendments to Board Rule 2, 3, and 31 is to

implement SB24-209 Changes to the Pharmacy Practice Act Regarding

Dispensing of Prescription Drugs, including repeal of Area of Need from

Telepharmacies, updated labeling requirements, and updated functional ability

for technicians.

Also on the Stakeholder Meeting agenda are two new proposed rules:

  1. Rule 17.00.00, Appendix F – MAT Prescription Protocol – The purpose of the

proposed Rule 17, Appendix F is to create a new MAT Prescribing Statewide

Protocol required as part of implementation of HB24-1045.

  1. Rule 17.00.00, Appendix E – The purpose of the proposed amendments to Board

Rule 17, Appendix E, is to create a new state-wide protocol of clinical

standards for statin therapy.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.