The Board of Pharmacy proposes the promulgation of the rules below regarding compounding and to implement new legislation.  

Notice of Development of Rulemaking
Department: Department of Health
Division: Board of Pharmacy
Rule No.: 64B16-27.700
Purpose: The Board proposes the rule amendment to update language regarding compounding.

Notice of Proposed Rule
Department: Department of Health
Division: Board of Pharmacy
Rule No.: 64B16-31.010, 64B16-31.011, 64B16-31.012
Purpose: The Board proposes the promulgation of the rules to implement new legislation.

Also in Florda, effective July 1, 2024, employers who hire minors 14-17 years of age are required to post the Florida Child Labor Law Poster that includes changes to employment restrictions for minors 

For more information, contact NACDS’ Leigh Knotts at 803-243-7207.