Several years of ongoing advocacy on priority issues resulted in a remarkably successful 2024 Legislative Session for pharmacy. At the end of session, Gov. Tim Walz (D) signed Chapter 127 into law. The law includes the following reimbursement and scope of practice advances: 1) expanded pharmacy immunization authority to align more closely with the PREP (Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness) Act by allowing pharmacists and technicians to immunize children for flu and COVID at age 3 years and all ACIP at age six years; 2) mandates that commercial insurers cover pharmacy-based services 3) increases the Medicaid FFS (Fee-for-Service) Dispensing Fee from $10.77 to $11.55 4) clarifies the definition of U&C (usual & customary) to exclude discount card programs; and 5) authorizes pharmacists to test for and administer PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) and PeP (post-exposure prophylaxis) medications. NACDS has worked diligently during the last four session cycles with in-state partners and members to achieve these goals.
For more information, contact NACDS’ Jill McCormack at 717-592-8977.