The Massachusetts Joint Legislative Committee on Financial Services has reported H4066, a bill to expand pharmacist’s scope of practice, favorably out of the committee. Specifically, the bill directs the Board of Pharmacy to establish protocols for pharmacies to test, screen and initiate treatment or therapy for qualified health conditions: Influenza, Streptococcal infections, COVID-19, HIV, and any other conditions approved by the Board. H4066 also allows pharmacists to delegate the tasks of performing a CLIA–waived test to pharmacy technicians acting under the supervision of the pharmacists. Lastly, the bill requires insurance carriers to make available provider and consult codes for pharmacy compensation which shall be at the standard contracted rate that they reimburse for the same services by any other healthcare provider. H4066 will now be assigned to a committee of second jurisdiction. NACDS will continue to partner with the Massachusetts Chain Pharmacy Council to advocate for final passage of the bill.
For more information, please contact NACDS’ Ben Pearlman at 617-515-2603.