The House Commerce Committee held a hearing on January 18 and recommended passage of HSB 536, related to PBMs. This study bill, proposed by the Department of Insurance and Financial Services, expands the PBM’s duty of good faith and fair dealing to pharmacies. It also prohibits retaliation by a PBM against a pharmacy for exercising its rights or remedy or in cooperation with the commissioner. Also, a PBM is prohibited from assessing, charging or collecting any form of renumeration that passes from any pharmacist, regardless of whether the pharmacist in a pharmacy network. The bill also requires a PBM to update the maximum allowable cost (MAC) list within seven days from the date of an increase of 10 percent more in the NADAC of a prescription drug on the list. Finally, it places additional reporting requirements on PBMs.
For more information, contact NACDS’ Sandra Guckian at 703-774-4801.