NACDS joined its members, in-state partners, and representatives from the state medical community to discuss pharmacist and technician scope with members from the Department of Health. Stakeholders also met on July 27 to discuss test and treat legislation for 2024.
Also in Vermont, on July 26, the Board of Pharmacy held its regular meeting, during which it reviewed the emergency declarations and the Executive Order regarding pharmacies. Link to the agenda
Finally in Vermont, the Executive Order allows a one-time 30-day maintenance prescription to be filled, as well as emergency licensing for pharmacists and pharmacy technicians from out-of-state to fill any staffing gaps. This Executive Order lasts for 90 days or if there is a State of Emergency, whichever is shorter. There will be updates to come as things change. The next board meeting is August 23.
For more information, please contact NACDS’ Ben Pearlman at 617-515-2603.