The next payment for the Supplemental (managed care) dispensing fee (as pharmacy commonly refer to it) is scheduled to be paid to pharmacies between February 1-15. This is the first payment of the fee for 2023 and since the October 1 implementation of the SPBM. Under the SPBM, the payments will run as a special financial cycle and will appear on the non-Claim 835. You can identify these payments on your Remittance Advice by the reason code of 9638 – “QtrSuppDispFee.” For more information, please see the FAQ ODM was issued this week. The supplemental fee expires in June 2023, as it was meant to be a stopgap to assist pharmacies while the SPBM system was being developed.
Also in Ohio, NACDS submitted a comment letter to the Common Sense Initiative (CSI) regarding the Board of Pharmacy’s proposed rule that would allow pharmacy technicians to administer vaccines. The letter expresses pharmacy’s strong support for the bill but asks that the CSI recommend that the Board remove the ratio for technician vaccinators and align the training requirement hours with the PREP Act.
Finally in Ohio, the Department of Medicaid posted Myers & Stauffer’s 2022 Pharmacy Cost of Dispensing Survey report. NACDS is currently analyzing the report that found that the cost to dispense increased since 2022. They reported a weighted mean of $9.46 and a weighted median of $8.44 as the cost to dispense for non-specialty providers.
For more information, contact NACDS’ Jill McCormack at 717-592-8977.