On September 19th, the state authorized delegated pharmacists to have prescriptive authority to prescribe self-administered hormonal birth control— including oral contraceptives, the patch, and the ring. The action allows pharmacists to opt into this program but does not require participation. The change happened under an interpretive statement (see attached) issued by the state’s Licensing and Regulatory Affairs Department (LARA) under the direction of a previous executive directive 2022-05 Gov. Whitmer issued in May this year. Pharmacists must enter into a delegation agreement prior – a sample delegation agreement is available on LARA’s website and attached. The governor’s executive directive in May instructed state departments and agencies to identify and assess opportunities to increase protections for reproductive health care. Here is the link to the Governor’s press release.
For more information, please contact NACDS’ Ben Pearlman at 617-515-2603.