Governor Roy Cooper (D) has signed the 2022/2023 budget. Of importance to NACDS (National Association of Chain Drug Stores) members, language was added to extend from June 30, 2023, to June 30, 2026, pharmacy reimbursement being tied to the fee-for-service rate of NADAC (National Average Drug Acquisition Cost) plus a $10.24 dispensing fee. Language was also added to extend the State Health Director’s authority to issue statewide standing orders for COVID tests and vaccines until December 31, 2023 and maintains all the current statewide standing orders currently in place until rescinded by the State Health Director. This will ensure Pharmacies will continue to get reimbursed for the administration of the COVID vaccination and tests by North Carolina Medicaid. Finally, a provision was added to reauthorize the dispensing of biosimilars and the requirement for pharmacists to input patient information into a system that can be accessed by prescribers for biosimilar interchangeable. This can be achieved by processing the prescription through a PBM (Pharmacy Benefit Manager) or an electronic health record.  

Also in North Carolina, the Department of Health and Human Services is establishing Community Access Points in all 100 counties where North Carolinians can find free and easy at-home tests, to meet people where they are, with the tools they need to protect themselves from COVID-19.
Community organizations interested in becoming a Community Access Point can register online. Information on where to find at-home tests is available at: Information on how and where to find all testing locations in North Carolina is available at: 

For more information, contact NACDS’ Leigh Knotts at 803-243-7207.