A final rule was published in the March 20, 2022, Louisiana Register codifying the authority for pharmacy technicians and pharmacist interns to administer medications effective immediately. It also simplifies existing administrative requirements for vaccines provided by pharmacy providers.
Also in Louisiana, the House Committee on Health and Welfare meeting was cancelled this week because of the special session Gov. John Bel Edwards (D) convened on redistricting. We now expect HB 424 by Rep. Chris Turner (R) to be heard next Wednesday, April 6th. The bill allows pharmacy interns or certified pharmacy technicians, supervised by a pharmacist, to administer influenza immunizations; it lowers the minimum age from seven years of age to three without a patient-specific prescription or medical order. NACDS urges members to continue to contact all House members encouraging them to support the bill.
For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.