The Department of Health (LDH) held its monthly COVID-19 Vaccine Partners virtual webinar providing the latest statistics on vaccines administered, LDH also did a one-year look-back highlighting equitable distribution across the state’s nine healthcare regions. More information is available at
Also in Louisiana, in addition to electing new officers at the November 17th Board meeting, the board approved to move forward on adopting fee increases Regulatory Proposal 2021-G. They also discussed proposed New PPM.I.A.35, Emergency Prescriptions for Durable Medical Equipment (Draft #1) State of Emergency authorizing pharmacists to dispense emergency prescriptions of prescribed medications during a state of emergency. Finally, they approved Proposed Revision of PPM.I.D.28 ~ COVID-19 Public Health Emergency: Guidance for Licensees re PREP Act Declaration by HHS (Draft #1), which is a guidance document.
Finally in Louisiana, the Board of Pharmacy scheduled an in-person Public Hearing on December 28, 2021, on a proposed rule on medication administration that would make permanent pharmacy technicians and interns administering immunizations. Pharmacies are encouraged to email written supportive comments to the Board in advance of the hearing.
For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.