The Department of Public Health, Division of Health Protection, Section of Emergency Preparedness and Response Department has received the following updates on the Moderna Expiry Lot Checker regarding the following lots: 046A21A, 008B21-2A, 017B21A, 020B21A, 022B21A, 039B21A, 046B21A, 044B21A. These have successfully been updated to the expiry look up tool. We have been informed that the Moderna team is continuing to work on the expiry extension and the next batch (weekly) will include five priority lots in distribution and all lots expiring in October.
If any providers have expiring doses that have not been updated in the Moderna Expiry Lot Checker yet, the advice is to safely quarantine the expired doses until the dose extension can be verified and to administer new shipments of Moderna vaccine in the meantime. If providers cannot safely quarantine doses of vaccine with unknown extension status and there is concern that expired does may be administered, please properly dispose of vaccine and report as waste.
For more information, contact NACDS’ Leigh Knotts at 803-243-7207.