On May 26, Gov. Abbott signed HB1763 into law which becomes effective September 1, 2021. NACDS applauds Gov. Abbott, Sen. Lois Kolkhorst (R), Rep. Tom Oliverson (R), Sen. Bryan Hughes (R), and Rep. Eddie Lucio III (D) for passing this important legislation and look forward to continued collaboration on these efforts that maintain patient access and creates long-term viable reimbursement models in the commercial market. HB1763 is crucial for the continued viability of retail community pharmacies in Texas by creating PBM reform that prohibits harmful claw backs, requires that all pharmacies be fairly and properly reimbursed, and provides patients with equal access to all network pharmacies by allowing patients to receive care from the pharmacy of their choice. In a letter of support, NACDS urged Gov. Abbott to sign HB1763 to maintain patient access and help ensure that local Texas pharmacies are properly reimbursed for the prescription medications they provide and associated pharmacy services.
For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.