NACDS and the California Retailers Association submitted a joint letter to the Assembly Business and Professions Committee in support of AB 1328, legislation allowing pharmacists to perform all CLIA-waived tests.

Also in California, the Board of Pharmacy’s teleconferenced Licensing Committee’s April 21, 2021, meeting agenda and meeting materials have been posted along with information to participate.  Also, the teleconferenced Enforcement and Compounding Committee’s April 22, 2021, meeting agenda has been posted along with information to participate.

Also in California, the Division of Workers’ Compensation’s Pharmacy and Therapeutics (P&T) Committee will meet on April 21, 2021, from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. via video/audio conference only. To attend the meeting via video conference, please use the P&T Meeting Link. To join the meeting via teleconference, please use the call-in phone number: 1 (619) 407-9860 and enter phone conference ID: 520 391 953#.

Also in California, on April 1, the online attestation period opened for fee-for-service Medi-Cal pharmacy providers seeking the higher of two professional dispensing fees as part of the reimbursement for covered outpatient drugs. Medi-Cal pharmacy providers should have received a communication that includes the URL for the online attestation portal, as well as a unique login ID and password, by email, fax, or mail. If you have not received this communication, please call the Attestation Survey Hotline at 1-844-294-9982 or email  The attestation period for the 2020 calendar year is open until 11:59 pm April 30, 2021, and no attestations will be accepted after that time. The attestation for the 2020 calendar year reporting period determines the professional dispensing fee component of the pharmacy claim reimbursement for claims with dates of service from July 1, 2021, through June 30, 2022. For additional information, providers can refer to the Pharmacy Provider Self-Attestation FAQs or may call the Attestation Survey Hotline at 1-844-294-9982, or email their questions to

Also in California, Medi-Cal Rx Transition and Resources Training announced three sessions covering important Medi-Cal Rx changes for pharmacy providers and prescribers. For registration, all the training sessions are posted on the Education & Outreach Calendar within the Saba Learning Management System (LMS); you must be logged into the User Administration Console (UAC) to access the Education & Outreach Calendar in Saba.

Lastly in California, the Board of Pharmacy is beginning the development of its new strategic plan and is seeking stakeholder feedback. The Department of Consumer Affairs, SOLID Planning Solutions (SOLID), is assisting the Board with its strategic planning process.  Completed surveys will provide input as to how the Board is doing by identifying strengths, challenges, and current trends to consider for the future direction of the Board. All responses are anonymous. This survey will be open until April 30, 2021. For your convenience, NACDS is providing a PDF file of the survey.

For more information, contact NACDS’ Sandra Guckian at 703-774-4801.