NACDS is asking members to call Rep. Stephanie Klick’s office, the Chair of the House Public Health Committee, urging her to schedule a hearing as soon as possible for TX HB 678 by Rep. Phil Cortez (D). Our message is that “there is an urgent need to permanently remove the administrative barriers allowing pharmacists to independently order and administer all immunizations to anyone 3 years of age or older without a prescription. Passing HB 678 will guarantee Texans get much better access to convenient, preventive health care.” Capitol Phone: (512) 463-0599; District Phone: (817) 281-0079 & Public Health Committee Phone: (512) 463-0806
Also in Texas, As the state opens COVID-19 vaccine eligibility to everyone age 16 and older, the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) launched the Texas Public Health Vaccine Scheduler, giving people one place to sign up for a COVID-19 shot through multiple public health departments, including the eight DSHS public health regions, which provide public health services in nearly 200 Texas counties, and more than a dozen local health entities across the state.
For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.