As one of the eight members of the Louisiana Pharmacy Congress, NACDS participated in a virtual meeting hosted by the Board of Pharmacy to discuss interim study reports and proposed pharmacy legislation for 2021. Issues discussed were payment parity, expanded scope, collaborative practice agreements, and expanding access to immunizations. The Louisiana Department of Health gave a presentation on their new initiative called “Well-Ahead Louisiana,” a program aimed at partnering with pharmacies to manage chronic diseases. More information on the Well-Ahead initiative can be found here.
Also in Louisiana. The Board of Pharmacy’s Regulation Review Committee is convening a virtual Zoom meeting on January 26, 2021. The meeting access information is provided in the header of the agenda. Links to the legislative and regulatory proposals scheduled for consideration during that meeting are available at the Board’s website, in the Rulemaking Activity section of the Public Library.
For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.