Effective January 1, 2021, only California controlled substance prescription forms that will remain valid and acceptable by pharmacies will be those possessing a 12-character serial number and a corresponding barcode, compliant with the requirements introduced in new state law, AB 149 (Cooper, Statutes of 2019). The requirements do not affect prescriptions that are electronically transmitted from the prescriber to the pharmacy, or prescriptions for non-controlled substances. More information on the new laws can be found here.
Also in California. In response to Gov. Gavin Newsom’s (D) emergency declaration, the Board of Pharmacy extended several COVID waivers that were set to expire this month.
- Remote Processing – For this waiver, “remote processing” means the entering of an order or prescription into a computer from outside of the pharmacy. Effective through May 31, 2021, or until 30 days after the emergency declaration is lifted, whichever is sooner.
- Ratio for Pharmacists not Solely Engaged in Immunization-Related Activities – The ratio of pharmacists to intern pharmacists may increase to allow for one additional intern pharmacist for each supervising pharmacist under certain conditions. Effective through September 2, 2021, or until 30 days after the emergency declaration is lifted, whichever is sooner.
- Ratio for Pharmacists Solely Engaged in Immunization-Related Activities – The ratio of pharmacists to intern pharmacists may increase to allow for two additional intern pharmacists for each supervising pharmacist under certain conditions. Effective through September 2, 2021, or until 30 days after the emergency declaration is lifted, whichever is sooner.
- Inventory Reconciliation Report of Controlled Substances – A pharmacy must complete the required inventory reconciliation report at least once every six months rather than every three months if determined to be necessary by the pharmacist-in-charge or professional director to ensure continuity of direct patient care activities that would otherwise be impacted. Effective through March 13, 2021, or until 30 days after the emergency declaration is lifted, whichever is sooner.
Also in California. The Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) established new COVID-19 testing codes. More information can be found on the New COVID-19 Testing Codes Established website.
Lastly in California. The Board of Pharmacy’s waiver request to allow pharmacists to independently initiate and administer FDA authorized COVID-19 vaccinations was approved on December 11 by the Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA) (approved waiver) bridging the gap until the new law pharmacies supported is implemented on January 1, 2021. The new law, AB 1710, will allow a licensed pharmacist to independently initiate and administer COVID-19 vaccines approved by the federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) under the same circumstances that vaccines listed on the routine immunization schedule may initiate and administered.
For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.