The California Board of Pharmacy held a two-day virtual meeting to discuss pending legislation, AB 1710 which the Board voted to support, which would allow pharmacists to administer FDA-authorized COVID immunizations. The Board also discussed proposed rules on automatic refills, pharmacists working alone, and removing the barriers that restrict the use of CLIA-waived COVID tests at pharmacies. The Board voted to pursue a proposal to amend BPC 4052.8 related to pharmacist authority to administer vaccines approved by the FDA and approved amendments to initial proposed text for Title 16, CCR section 1746.6, Independent HIV Preexposure and Postexposure Prophylaxis Furnishing.
Also in California. NACDS sponsored and participated in the California Pharmacists Association’s Virtual Advocacy Day virtual meeting with Chairman Evan Low, Assembly Member Cecelia Aguiar-Curry, and Assembly Member Jim Wood, sponsor of AB 1710 and the Medi-Cal reimbursement fix bill that would address below acquisition cost reimbursement issues (AB 2100).
Also in California. The Department of Public Health’s (CDPH) issued updated COVID-19 Industry Guidance for testing, outlining different tiers to help determine who should be tested. Additionally, the Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA) developed a testing priority flyer to be placed in provider offices to provide additional guidance.
For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.