NACDS and the Retail Association of Nevada’s (RAN’s) chain pharmacy members held a call with the Board of Pharmacy Executive Secretary Dave Wuest, who has agreed to move forward with plans to advance a regulation regarding pharmacy technicians administering immunizations at the September 3, 2020, in-person Board meeting in Reno. In addition to adopting permanent rules, the Board plans to pursue the adoption of a temporary regulation using the same language in the permanent regulation, which would serve to bridge the gap until the permanent language is adopted. Lastly, Mr. Wuest informed chain members that he will ask the Board to approve the same language as a non-renewable emergency regulation that would become effective immediately upon filing with the Secretary of State, but will only be effective for 120 days. RAN and NACDS will continue to work closely with the Board to move this language forward in anticipation for the upcoming flu season and release of a vaccine for COVID-19.
For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.