The Tennessee Department of Health (TDH) is preparing for all scenarios and is working to identify providers who could administer vaccinations when available.  Part of this effort includes working with pharmacists to assess their level of readiness related to the distribution, storage, and administration of COVID-19 vaccinations. TDH has released a survey, seeking to collect information from pharmacies and health care facilities who would like to collaborate with TDH during a pandemic response. The purpose of this survey is to allow TDH to be prepared to distribute resources should they become available. Partnering providers are asked to consider their pharmacy’s or facility’s capacity to store, distribute, and administer the pandemic vaccine to eligible members of the public and/or to the populations they serve. This survey will also assist TDH in understanding pharmacies’ and facilities’ estimated capacity to assist in pandemic response. TDH is asking for responses that would reflect the “average” capacity for vaccine storage, which may vary by season. Of note, vaccines may require storage under freezing or refrigerated temperatures.

If interested, please submit only ONE pandemic survey per pharmacy/facility/physical location, to avoid duplicate information. Please enter complete information when answering questions regarding the pharmacy’s or facility’s storage capabilities. For TDH to approve a pharmacy or facility to store federally purchased vaccines, all requested information and documentation must be provided.  Any questions or requests to make changes to the pharmacy or facility information after submission, or to opt-out of being a pandemic provider at a later date, please contact TDH at

For more information, contact NACDS’ Leigh Knotts at 803-243-7207.