The Board of Pharmacy will hold a public hearing on Monday, June 15, 2020 on the following four proposed rules: 

Proposed rule of the State Board of Pharmacy would amend regulations under Rule 1- General Operations to add new language outlining expedited licensing for qualified individuals in accordance with Act 820 of 2019 and to match statutory language updated by Act 990 of 2019 to remove references to the terms “good moral character and temperate habits” along with other clean up language for clarification.  

Proposed rule of the State Board of Pharmacy would amend regulations under Rule 2 – Pharmacists to remove provisions on armed forces certificates to reflect concurrent proposed changes to Rule 1 to cover all permit types in accordance with Act 820 of 2019. The rule will also remove references to the terms “good moral character and temperate habits” in accordance with Act 990 of 2019 along with other minor clean up language.  

Proposed rule of the State Board of Pharmacy would amend regulations under Rule 3 – Pharmacy Technicians to remove references to “good moral character and temperate habits” in accordance with Act 990 of 2019.   

Proposed rule of the State Board of Pharmacy would amend regulations under Rule 11 – Criminal Background Checks to match statutory language updated by Act 990 of 2019 regarding eligibility for licensure or registration, to add language regarding Pre-Licensure Criminal Background Checks pursuant to Act 990 of 2019, and to remove outdated language regarding criminal background checks and update terms of offense rather than crime as reflected in statues. 

Also in Arkansas... The Board of Pharmacy met via teleconference on June 8th. Pharmacist Lenora Newsome was elected president, replacing Debbie Mack.  

For more information, contact NACDS’ Mary Staples at 817-442-1155.